Over $5,000,000 in Behavioral Health Care ProvidedOver 8,000 Therapy & Counseling Sessions Provided

$25 a Month

Helps provide mental health services to a Veteran in need.

Our Vision

The vision of CarePossible is to make mental health and addiction care possible for veterans, military families, and low-income families. Our desire is to save lives and save families by offering free, professional care to those in need. Addiction, suicide, PTSD and overdose rates are incredibly high. Our mission is to reduce these numbers by making care possible for anyone in need but lacking resources.

Our Core Services


    At no other time in our country’s history have our brave soldiers been exposed to more stress and trauma. Currently there are 20 military suicides every day in America.


    According to the National Institute of Mental Health 46% of the US adults will experience a diagnosable mental health issue in their lifetime including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and many others.


    Drug and alcohol abuse and addiction are at epidemic proportions. In-fact, according to the center for disease control 190 people die from drug overdoses every day in the US.


    Part of our mission at CarePossible is to educate the general public about mental health and addiction issues in order to increase awareness, remove stigma, and prevent overdoses and suicide.